Feel Heard.
Viranda Ecosystem

EAR Score

Vira empathetic contribution score

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The Empathy Accumulated Rating (E.A.R) is a score that measures the empathetic contributions of Vira members within the Viranda ecosystem. Every individual, especially when giving, desires feedback that mirrors the impact they’re making. It’s not about good or bad; it’s simply a “reflection” of their contribution in its purest and cleanest form. We call it EAR because it underscores the central principle of active listening as part of the “Henosis” code, contributing to the creation of empathy in interactions with others. The more attentive we become, the larger our listening score, EAR, will grow.


At the end of each conversation in the Vault, the Ventor rates their interaction with the Vira they spoke with on a scale of 1 to 10. This average rating influences the E.A.R. Additionally, the quantity and duration of the conversations also impact the rating. The more involved and the higher the rating, the higher the score. The score is personal and anonymous, not displayed to other Ventors or Viras.


Vira feedback within the Vault

EAR Formula

The E.A.R formula considers three factors in evaluating a Vira’s empathetic contributions within the Vault:

  1. Quality Factor (60% weight): Determined by calculating the average ranking for all conversations and scaling it accordingly. This process centers the average around 5, where 5 (neutral) has no effect, 1 (very negative) decreases, and 10 (very positive) increases the overall E.A.R score. This factor emphasizes the significance of user rankings, adjusting for the base rating to assess the positive or negative impact of each conversation.
  2. Quantity Factor (30% weight): Scales total conversations (NumConv) and balances with the Quality Factor, applying NumScale.
  3. Length Factor (10% weight): Values time investment (MinConv) and considers MinScale.

E.A.R Score

These factors comprehensively assess empathetic contribution, taking into account the ranking, frequency, and time investment of the conversations.

Technical Details

  • Integration with MatchFlow: The E.A.R score is integrated into the MatchFlow algorithm, prioritizing Vira members with higher scores for matching with Ventors. This ensures that Ventors receive support from the most empathetic and effective Vira members.
  • Feedback Collection: After each session in The Vault, Ventors are prompted to provide feedback on their experience. This feedback is collected securely and used to update the E.A.R scores.
  • Transparency and Improvement: Vira members have access to their E.A.R scores and feedback, allowing them to understand their strengths and areas for improvement. This transparency encourages continuous personal development and skill enhancement.

The Importance of EAR Score

The E.A.R score is a crucial component of the Viranda ecosystem, ensuring that the quality of support remains high. By providing a quantifiable measure of empathetic effectiveness, it helps maintain a standard of excellence among Vira members. The integration of E.A.R scores into the matching process ensures that Ventors are paired with the most capable supporters, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and empathy within Viranda.

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