Feel Heard.

Nearly 1 in 2 students feel lonely.

In a world that’s always online, it’s wild how many students still feel lonely—nearly 63% according to the ACHA. The stress of college life, fear of being judged, and the pressure to fit in can leave anyone feeling isolated. We created Viranda to change that.

The Loneliness Epidemic Of The 21st Century

In a world heavily influenced by technology, a troubling issue has emerged—the Loneliness Epidemic. Despite the rise of social networks and apps meant to bring us together, we’re finding ourselves more alone than ever. The very tools designed to connect us digitally seem to be contributing to a deeper sense of isolation. As we navigate this digital landscape, expressing our thoughts and feelings becomes a challenge, often leading us to bury them inside.

This issue isn’t selective; it affects everyone. However, it’s hitting the younger generation the hardest. Born into a world of constant connectivity, it might seem paradoxical that they struggle to find spaces where they can express themselves without fear of judgment. The statistics paint a clear picture—there’s a growing population, especially among Gen Z, longing for genuine connections and support on their life journey.

Studies have shown that more than 50% of Americans feel lonely, and a staggering 65% of US Generation Z sometimes or always feel lonely. Social isolation is also a significant problem in Europe, affecting 18% of its citizens. The numbers don't lie—loneliness is on the rise, and it's time to act.

Did You Know...

According to the recent report from the U.S. Public Health Service, the lack of social connection is as dangerous as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day. The report also highlights the devastating physical consequences of poor social connections:


Increased risk of heart disease


increased risk of stroke


increased risk of dementia

Source: U.S. Public Health Service Report, 2023
Between 2003 and 2020, the time one spends alone has increased, while time spent on in-person social engagement has decreased.
Source: Adapted from Viji Diane Kannan, Peter J. Veazie, US Trends in Social Isolation, Social Engagement, and Companionship: Nationally and by Age, Sex, Race/ethnicity, Family Income, and Work Hours, 2003-2020, SSM-Population Health, Volume 21, 2023. The joinpoints are visual approximations. Office of the U.S. Surgeon General

No self-expression can lead to loneliness.
Why can't we always express our true selves?

Why people feel lonley
“Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself”​
Prof. Carl Gustav Jung

Prof. Carl Gustav Jung

Swiss psychiatrist,
Sigmund Freud’s student

Meet Dana...

Dana’s a college student who recently landed her first-ever job, but things haven’t been smooth sailing. After getting scolded by her manager during work, she’s been replaying the moment over and over in her mind, wishing she had a way to express herself and find some relief.

So, what are Dana’s options?

Sure, Dana could talk to her friends or family, but their advice is often influenced by how they already see her. Even if they mean well, they might judge her situation unfairly or offer biased opinions based on their past experiences with her.

Seeing a therapist could give Dana the unbiased support she needs. But let’s be real—therapy can be expensive, and as a student, she might not have the budget for that.

Venting to a random stranger might sound appealing at first—they don’t know her, so no judgment, right? But finding someone willing to listen without being judgmental is tricky. Plus, it’s awkward to open up about personal stuff to someone you don’t know.
Posting anonymously in online forums or groups might seem like a good idea, but it’s risky. The internet can be a harsh place, and Dana could end up getting attacked or blamed instead of finding the empathy she’s looking for. Plus, will someone who’s not in her shoes really get what she’s going through?
While these options offer some relief, none truly give Dana the meaningful outlet for self-expression she needs to feel better and not keep it all bottled up. If only she could connect with someone like her, anonymously, who’d genuinely listen and offer understanding in a judgment-free space…

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