Feel Heard.

Terms of Use

Last modified: 28.12.23

Dear Users,

Welcome to www.viranda.space. The website and all related platforms at your disposal (collectively, hereinafter referred to as the “Platform”) are designed to help you cope with various situations of loneliness and social isolation and provide solutions for personal empowerment. The platforms are operated by Viranda Space Ltd. or by a third party assisting us (the “Operator”), and these terms of use apply to all Viranda platforms.

It is important to emphasize that the Platform does not replace any form of psychological or medical treatment, consultation, psychological therapy, or similar services. Its sole purpose is to provide you with a listening ear. In any other case, please consult directly with a qualified professional. Please do not use the Platform when in need of professional advice.

By entering the Platform, using it, examining its content, or engaging in any other activity through it, regardless of the platform, website, or app, you declare your agreement to all the provisions of these terms of use (“Terms”), the privacy policy of the Platform (“Privacy Policy”), and any other guidelines specified in a specific location (collectively referred to as the “Terms”), whether you have read them in full or not, and you cannot claim ignorance.

We reserve the right to update these terms of use and any other document at any time at our sole discretion without prior notice. Therefore, please review them and see if they meet your preferences before using the Platform.

Therefore, please read the terms carefully before starting to use the Platform. If you do not agree with what is specified in them – please do not enter or use the Platform, as you will be bound by them.

In this document, “the Platform” also refers to its owner, operators, and anyone on their behalf, as far as relevant. “User” or “you” means any person or entity using the Platform or any service offered therein. “Anonymous Friend” means a person who volunteered to serve as such, passing through the initial screening stages. For the avoidance of doubt, wherever the “User” is mentioned in these terms, it also includes all anonymous friends active on the platform, even if not explicitly stated (unless the context makes it clear that it is not the case).

The content of the site and other components of the Platform, as well as these terms of use, are formulated in the masculine form for convenience only. The references include both genders.

Due to the sensitive nature of the conversations held on the platform, the use of the Platform is prohibited under the age of 18.


1. Purpose of the Platform. The Platform enables the creation of a text-based human connection between an anonymous friend and a user seeking supportive human interaction, simply to talk and listen to each other without judgment.

2. The Platform does not replace psychological or medical treatment. The Platform does not support the provision of medical or any other treatment and does not replace such treatment. If you seek medical or psychological assistance or if your situation is difficult and requires treatment, please do not use the Platform, as it does not provide such treatment.

3. Anonymous friends are not professionals. Although, during the registration of an anonymous friend, we try to ensure a reasonable standard, and even provide guidance on how to behave, anonymous friends are private individuals, and the Platform has no control over them. The Platform is not responsible for their words and actions.

Anonymous friends are not necessarily professionals, therapists, or doctors, and a conversation with them does not replace direct consultation with a professional. Anonymous friends receive a basic guide from us and undergo an interview. However, the Platform and the Operator cannot guarantee their professionalism or their ability to provide medical treatment. Their sole purpose is to provide you with a listening ear and human conversation, all in a time and place that suits you.

4. Changes to the terms of use, privacy policy, and other statements. The Operator reserves the right to change these terms of use and our privacy policy, at its exclusive discretion, without the need for prior notice or any notification. You will not have any claims for such changes. With the update of these documents, the change will take effect. Please check these documents at any relevant time. If you use the site after any such change, you declare that you agree to the mentioned changes.

5. No subscription required. Whenever you want to use the Platform, you are not required to provide us with personal information or subscribe. However, it is clarified that the services may be provided by the Operator against paid ads, concealed fees, commissions, or any other business model that does not require the user to pay for the services.

6. The Platform is currently free, but may not be in the future. At this stage, the Platform does not request payment for its services, and its purpose is to assist only. However, in the future, a service like this or another provided through it may be offered for a fee.

7. Suspension of Platform activity and any part of it. The Operator, at its sole discretion, may change and/or stop at any time the activity and/or availability of the entire Platform and any component or service in it, without the need for any reason, notice, or prior notice.

8. Contact. In case of any questions or requests, the most convenient way to contact the Operator is through the form on the website (link). We will do our best to respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible. However, do not consider this as a commitment to respond to any inquiry and/or within a short response time.

Platform Activity

9. The Platform is intended for personal use only by adults. Absolute prohibition to make any use of the Platform that is not personal and private use, non-commercial (neither site users nor anonymous friends), or use by anyone under 18.

10. Private conversations are not monitored. For your information, the Platform does not monitor the content of the conversations; it is not responsible for them, cannot display them in the future to others, and full responsibility for what happens is on the parties to the conversations alone. However, as soon as we receive a court order, we will act accordingly and provide all the data (including metadata) we have according to the order. In addition, we run an automatic algorithm in the background that detects the presence of certain words in the conversation, in order to allow us to refer to cases in which we will recommend a specific user to seek professional help. We ask a user who has received such a message to stop using the application and use professional help.

11. Platform conversations are currently free. All conversations on the Platform and all other services on it will be available free of charge until stated otherwise. However, it is possible that in the Platform, there will be other activities that will be subject to payment (which may change from time to time at the discretion of the Operator). Do not see this as a commitment of the Platform to add any activity or to continue its activity that may end without notice, with or without payment.

12. Platform content may change and is not the responsibility of the Operator. The Platform will include content at the discretion of the Operator and its writers, designed to assist and ease your loneliness. This content (including its scope, type, and any other feature) will be at the discretion of the Operator only and may change or be deleted from time to time without any notice. The Operator is not responsible for this content.

13. There may be changes to the platform. The platform, as a whole or any part of it, may change from time to time, including any change in its structure, its various contents, the manner in which the conversations are conducted and what is required of the conversationalists, the appearance and design, the scope and availability of the various services that are included or not included in it, and the like, all without the need to notify In advance. Please follow closely and make sure you are up to date with any such changes.

14. The platform is under constant construction. As we are always working to improve and increase the usefulness of the platform, it is under constant construction. Therefore, you do not have and will not have any claim about the absence or existence of such and/or other contents and/or services.

Use of the Platform

15. It is prohibited to use the platform for (both for users and anonymous friends):

  • Purposes that are not personal and solely yours.
  • Illegal purposes, charitable purposes, or any other purposes intended to cause harm, harassment, deception, or any other harm to any person or entity.
  • Establishing personal contact outside the online world or exchanging personally identifiable information during the use of the platform.
  • Purposes of acquaintance (romantic or otherwise) outside the platform.
  • Purposes unrelated to personal assistance (e.g., market research or surveys).
  • A manner that may enable, encourage, induce, or incite others to act contrary to the law.
  • Distributing any content or information (text, file, image, video, etc.) that violates privacy, copyright, trademarks, or any other rights of a third party, as well as any agreement.
  • A way that may cause you or others any physical harm, harassment, and/or any harm that may infringe on their right to privacy and protected personal information.
  • A way that may cause damage or other inconvenience to other users of the platform and/or anonymous friends, including not compromising the confidentiality of the information exchanged between the parties in conversation.
  • A manner that is controversial or detrimental to any person or entity.
  • A way that enables, encourages, induces, or incites others to violate any law or agreement.
  • A way that may impose legal liability on the platform or in any way harm its integrity.
  • A way that may violate the rights of the platform, its users, anonymous friends, and/or third parties (whether contractual or intellectual property rights), including the right to privacy, the right to confidentiality, intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trademarks, and the like.
  • A way that may diminish the enjoyment of others from the platform (e.g., through denial-of-service attacks, etc.).
  • A manner that includes the introduction of computer code, software, or applications that include computer viruses (viruses), spyware, and other malicious programs (such as Trojan horses, worms, and other harmful applications).
  • A way that may damage the credibility of the platform.

16. Service Termination and Blocking. The platform may, at any time, at its sole discretion, terminate or refuse to provide service, conversation, information, and/or any other component, as well as block access of any user (including anonymous friends) to the platform or its various sections, all without prior notice. The identification of the anonymous friend can and will be done by any means available to the platform where he is using it. The operator may also block groups of users based on criteria determined by it, without the need to provide an explanation or justification for the action.

Conversations and User Content on the Platform

17. Conversations on the Platform. The platform offers a service that connects users who choose to do so with other users (“anonymous friends”) who support them and help alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. The connection between the user and the anonymous friend will take place through an anonymous real-time text chat, certainly not outside the platform’s walls. Please note that conversations are conducted entirely anonymously, and you should not disclose any personal or identifying information to the other participant in the conversation and certainly not contact them outside the platform.

18. Pre- and Post-Conversation Questions: Before each conversation, a brief questionnaire will inquire about your current mood, gender, age range, marital status, preferred language for communication, and whether you’d like an anonymous friend with similar characteristics. These responses guide us in finding the most suitable match for you (as much as possible). To protect your privacy, we don’t store these answers, so you’ll need to provide them before each conversation. However, your gender, age range, and marital status will be shared with the anonymous friend to enhance mutual connection. After the conversation concludes, we’ll inquire about your mood and ask for a rating for the anonymous friend. This feedback aids in refining both our platform and the matching system for future conversations.

19. Prohibition on Documentation or Recording of conversations. For the avoidance of doubt, there is an absolute prohibition on any form of documentation and/or recording of conversations by any technology, as well as any other use thereof or their distribution.

20. Logic and Caution – Required. Despite our efforts, there may be anonymous friends who will not respect our requests or your situation. Therefore, you are asked to use logic and caution in any such conversation. Do not provide personal or sensitive information, do not harm yourself or others, do not meet anonymous friends beyond the digital screen, and above all, be cautious.

21. Mandatory Rules During conversations. It is clarified that the operator has defined and will add and define different rules that will apply to conversations in a way that both users and anonymous friends are required to comply with. The basic essence of these rules, as they are updated today, can be found at the link ____________. The detailed formula will be provided to the anonymous friends. Both users and anonymous friends are required to read these rules and act accordingly and comply with them throughout the conversation.

22. Rating Anonymous Friends and Reporting. At the end of each conversation, the platform user may rate the anonymous friend who participated in the conversation or report any issues that occurred. If you encounter an Anonymous friend whose activity is harmful or unacceptable to you, you can use this mechanism to inform us. However, a false report about an anonymous friend may harm him. Therefore, please respect others and report only true reports.

23. Tipping: At the end of the conversation, some users (especially those who have given a relatively high rating to an anonymous friend) will have the option to “tip” the anonymous friend and give him a “tip.” This is not mandatory, and even if you decide not to, it will not affect the service you receive from the application and anonymous friends. If you decide to give a friend such a sum or other amount of your assessment, a small portion will be directed towards covering the operating expenses of the platform, and the majority will be transferred to that anonymous friend who gave him the amount.

24. Ending conversations and Timeout. A conversation begins with establishing contact between one user and one anonymous friend. The conversation will be available to the parties for a duration of twenty-four (24) hours from its start time, even if the parties have left the conversation. For example, a pair of conversing users can decide to return and talk to each other later, or remember what they talked about during the day after the start of the conversation. The conversation can be terminated at your discretion, at any time you choose, by pressing the end conversation button (both the user and the anonymous friend). Please do so anytime you feel that the conversation may harm you in any way or that it can no longer assist you.

25. Saving and Deleting conversation. As mentioned, the conversation will be saved in the platform interface for a duration of twenty-four (24) hours from its start time to allow you to return to the conversation with the other participant from where you stopped, as you choose. After 24 hours, the conversation will be deleted from the user interface, and only its data will remain in the hands of the operator.

The conversation will be added and stored by the operator in an encrypted manner (to comply with legal requirements) for thirty (30) days from the date, and at the end of the 30 days – will be completely deleted. In any case, access to the conversations while they are kept by the operator is not allowed to the operator’s personnel or to third parties. Access will only be permitted if a court order is obtained requiring it and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein.

Anonymous friends

26. Terms of use also apply and bind the anonymous friends. For your attention, these terms of use also apply accordingly to the anonymous friends who register for the platform and are directly binding on them, in all that is stated in these terms. Every person who registers as an anonymous friend on the platform declares at the time of registration that he agrees to this.

27. The registration process as an anonymous friend. In order to register as an anonymous friend, you can contact us, fill out an appropriate application form (link), after filling out the application form a personality questionnaire will be sent by email and finally go through an online interview. Candidates who have successfully passed these stages will undergo training through a professional (e.g. a qualified psychotherapist) that will prepare them to conduct themselves on the platform. Complying with these stages of registration is not automatic and it is possible that some applicants will be rejected (for various reasons that will not be explained to them) and will not become anonymous friends. Information provided to the company during registration as an anonymous friend will be used to examine the suitability of the applicant and will be kept by the operator to ensure future service to platform users.

28. Certain information about anonymous friends is saved. Their details, their answers and the results of the interview conducted with anonymous friends will be kept securely by the operator, and will not be deleted, in order to ensure future service to the users of the platform.

29. Volunteering. Naturally, an anonymous friend performs his actions voluntarily, is not employed by the platform and the platform is not responsible for him. The anonymous friend must make sure that he has all the means that will allow him to fulfill his role since the platform does not make any means available to him. Accordingly, anyone who registers as an anonymous friend will be considered to agree to this statement and to the absence of any employee-employer relationship between him and the platform. If you are an anonymous friend who does not agree to this, do not register as an anonymous friend. Your registration will constitute acceptance of this statement.

30. Receiving inquiries from users. An anonymous friend will be able, at times when he is available and it suits him, to receive inquiries from users of the platform and conduct online conversations with them in accordance with the guidelines applicable to an anonymous friend. As long as an anonymous friend indicates that he is not available, he will not be called for a conversation with a user on the platform.

31. No obligation to act on the platform. Even if you have registered as an anonymous friend on the platform, you are under no obligation to be available at certain hours. You can choose the place and the time during which you will be used as an anonymous friend on the platform at your discretion.

32. The responsibility of the anonymous friend only. For the avoidance of doubt, any text written or information provided by the anonymous friend as part of his activities on the platform (including but not limited to any conversation you have), will be the sole and sole responsibility of that anonymous friend. Similarly, text written or delivered by the user himself will be the sole responsibility of the user. The platform and the operator are not and will not be responsible for any action and/or statement and/or negligence on the part of the anonymous friend or user, and therefore your caution is requested.

33. The ranking of the anonymous friends and its effect on them. The platform activates a mechanism of rating anonymous friends by the users at the end of each and every conversation. The rating is performed by the users themselves, and the anonymous friend is absolutely prohibited from demanding or acting in any other way that would change the manner of his rating by the user. The rating must remain personal, confidential and there is no obligation for the user to disclose the details of the rating to the anonymous friend (as well as the anonymous friend is prohibited from directly influencing this rating, except through the conversation and the service he will provide). It is also clarified that the ratings and reports submitted may affect the anonymous friends’ mode of activity on the platform, the scope of his activity as well as the termination of his activity. It is clarified that the anonymous friend will not have any right or claim against the platform or the user, regardless of his rating on the platform.

The rights of the platform and its contents

34. The rights in the platform and its contents. The full rights, including the intellectual property rights (such as copyrights, trademarks, etc.) in the platform (and in every component thereof), in its design, in the services included in it, in the contents and videos included in it, in the code that makes it up and in all other components of the services (including all files – data, sound, sign, image, video or other) or information (whether in text, graphics or in any other way – “Content”) is in the hands of the platform, or the license given to it only.

35. Prohibition of Use of Content. Therefore, any use of any kind or type on the platform, in its content, and/or in any identifier, image, or other component appearing therein is prohibited unless expressly authorized by the platform. Any use that does not comply with the same authorization is prohibited. Additionally, an absolute prohibition is imposed to edit, copy, duplicate, publish, trade, create derivative works, sell, transfer, display, and perform any other action on the content in the platform, its design, and/or in any protected creation or other sign appearing therein, unless prior written permission is granted.

36. Limited Use License. The platform hereby grants you a personal, limited license to participate in the conversations conducted on it as a user or anonymous friend only, in accordance with its regular user interface and subject to any payment (if required) for any such service. This license is non-exclusive and will be automatically revoked at any time if you do not comply with these terms, the platform’s requirements, or any payment requested by the platform.

Your Responsibility and Platform’s Limitation of Liability

37. The platform is for information and support purposes only and does not replace any professional advice. The information on the platform, as well as the services themselves, are for the purpose of acquiring information and personal security only. They are not a substitute for medical, psychological, or any other professional advice, and the platform should not be used in situations where you seek professional advice for your condition. Such advice is not provided or conducted within the platform.

38. The platform, its services, and all others, the anonymous friends, information, and content within it are provided “as-is” without any representation (or warranty) of any kind. There are no warranties or representations (express or implied), including but not limited to the absence of explicit or implied representation regarding the quality of the products and services offered, the professionalism of the anonymous friends or their conduct, their reliability, availability, as well as the reliability and availability of the platform, its merchantability, the suitability of the information and services for the user’s needs or any other purpose, and the cleanliness of the platform from any violation of law, agreement, or any other third-party right, as well as the cleanliness of the platform from any virus or other malicious software.

39. No liability for any damage. The platform, the operator, and anyone on their behalf shall not be responsible for the user, anonymous friend, or any third party in any way for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential, or any other damage of any kind (including but not limited to emotional distress, disappointment, harassment, data loss, loss of profits and transactions, etc.), whether due to defects in the information provided or not provided in the services, the inability to use it, its mismatch with the user’s situation, malfunction in the information or its delivery, and any other reason related to the use of the platform or any statement (or lack thereof) in the conversations.

40. Use of the platform is the user’s responsibility only. By the nature of things and because of the nature of the platform, it is clarified that the use of it will be the sole responsibility of the user and in his interaction with the anonymous friend. Any communication within the platform and occurring in it will be at the sole discretion of the user, and he will be solely responsible for what happens in it.

41. Beyond necessity, it is again clarified that the platform has no control over and therefore is not responsible for the words and actions of any parties to the conversations (the users or anonymous friends). Consequently, the platform will not bear any responsibility for the conduct of any of these parties, including any actions they take on or off the platform. Both the anonymous friends and the platform users operate independently, and the platform cannot monitor or verify the manner of their operation or the content of their conversations. Therefore, we ask all conversation participants to exercise caution, refrain from revealing personal or offensive information, respect the privacy of others, and refrain from taking any actions that violate the platform’s guidelines or rules.

42. Limited interpretation of the platform’s liability. To the extent that the law in your jurisdiction does not allow limiting the liability of the platform, this agreement should be interpreted in the most limited way possible for the liability of the platform and the operator, to the extent possible. In any case, the financial liability of the platform for any damage and/or expense of any kind will not exceed the amount paid by the specific user to the site during the twelve (12) months prior to the occurrence of the damage (even if nothing was paid).

43. No responsibility for continuous or error-free operation. It is clarified that the platform cannot guarantee and is not committed to such a functioning or structure, and to continuous and error-free operation, whether resulting from hardware failure, software failure, communication failure, server failure, and/or any other similar failure. The platform is not committed to continuous operation in any way and may be closed entirely or partially at any time, without giving any claim to the user or the anonymous friend.

44. No responsibility for content or services matching your needs. Note that the content on the platform as well as the services conducted through it may not be suitable for your needs or your other requirements (for example, due to the fact that not all anonymous friends are professionals or because the platform operator has no control over what is said in private conversations). Please pay attention and be careful. The operator and the platform will not be responsible in any way, even for any failure, mismatch, error, defect, or any other professional deficiency that may be found in the content or in the conversations conducted through it.

45. Compensation in case of violation of law or contract on your part. You (users and/or anonymous friends, as applicable) undertake to indemnify the platform, the operator, and/or anyone on their behalf for any damage, loss, loss of profit, payment, or expense caused to them— including attorney’s fees and court costs—due to the breach of these terms of use or damage caused to any user or anonymous friend. It is clarified that anonymous friends are required to act wholeheartedly, cautiously, while giving due respect to the platform’s instructions, ensuring that in their statements there is no harm to the user.

46. Reasonable security measures, without liability. The platform takes reasonable security measures according to its best judgment. Given the circumstances, it is not possible to prevent break-ins or other disruptions to its activity. The platform will not be responsible for any damage caused to any of the users due to any such break-in or similar failure.


47. Links to Other Websites. The platform contains links to various internet sites. These links are for your convenience only. The platform is not connected or in control of the content and information appearing on the sites to which these links lead or are taken from, and it does not bear any responsibility for the content appearing there. The inclusion of these links in the platform does not imply approval of the content in them or the creation of any connection between the platform and the mentioned sites. In case you encounter a link with content that is illegal, harmful, infringing on rights, or otherwise objectionable, please notify us immediately.

48. Links May Be Invalid. Additionally, there is no commitment that all links appearing on the platform will be valid and lead to an active internet site. The operator is authorized to remove any link from the platform at any time or change it, at its sole discretion.


49. Cancellation of This Agreement. In any case where a competent court determines that these terms or any part of them, all or some of them, are not valid or need to be changed, their clauses will be replaced by clauses that are as close as possible in content to the content of the agreement.

50. Waiver. A waiver by one party of a right granted to it will not be construed as a waiver of any other right.

51. Shortening of Statute of Limitations. Users agree that any claim or demand against the platform, the operator, and anyone acting on their behalf will be limited to a period of 12 months from the date of the event giving rise to the claim, and it will expire as this period elapses. This provision should be interpreted in light of the agreement to change the limitation period according to Section 19 of the Limitation Law (1958), given the nature of the use of the application. This provision shall prevail over any other legal provision.

52. Local Jurisdiction and Applicable Law. Any dispute that arises between you and the platform, including disputes related to using it, the services in it, and the like, will be brought before a competent court in the Tel Aviv district, in Israel. The applicable law will be Israeli law, without the clauses of the conflict of laws.

53. Sale of the Platform. The platform and its owner reserve the right to sell the platform or the entity managing it, or its business, to any entity without the need for the consent of the users or the anonymous friends. Nor will this constitute grounds for raising any claim or lawsuit. Also, the platform is entitled to transfer these terms and waive the agreements in them to any other third party, and this transfer will not give rise to a claim or lawsuit against anyone.

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